Unitis viribus ad finem. With united powers towards the goal.
Unitis viribus ad finem. With united powers towards the goal.
We aim to set a new standard for learning in higher education by making it easier than ever to help each other online, no matter where you are. Imagine everyone being able to easily find support or help others, all through a platform that digitally connects all students of a university and beyond. We want to use technology to break down the barriers in learning and thus create a community where people support each other seamlessly, whether they are in the lecture hall or at home at their desk. With our platform, we want to contribute to making inclusive and collaborative learning as easy as possible, thereby creating the launchpad for the heroes of the future.
We aim to set a new standard for learning in higher education by making it easier than ever to help each other online, no matter where you are. Imagine everyone being able to easily find support or help others, all through a platform that digitally connects all students of a university and beyond. We want to use technology to break down the barriers in learning and thus create a community where people support each other seamlessly, whether they are in the lecture hall or at home at their desk. With our platform, we want to contribute to making inclusive and collaborative learning as easy as possible, thereby creating the launchpad for the heroes of the future.
Our leadership team.
Co-Founder | CEO & CFO
Co-Founder | CTO
Co-Founder | COO & CPO
What we stand for.
Educational Equity
Contributing to inclusive and equitable quality education for students by providing easily accessible learning opportunities.
Quality Learning
Upholding high quality learning standards by enabling universities to verify tutor profiles and audit their tutoring offerings.
Sustainable Action
Our digital platform aids in making education more accessible and inclusive (SDG 4) and reduces CO2 emissions by cutting down on travel (SDG 13).
Peer Collaboration
Fostering a collaborative community environment where peers and fellow students support each other and learn from one another.
Innovation in Educaton
Driving educational innovation by leveraging technology to adapt traditional learning methods to the needs of the modern student.
Without Boundaries
Connecting students from diverse backgrounds by providing a platform that transcends geographical and langual boundaries.