Online Tutoring by & for Students at JKU Linz.

Get personalized one-on-one tutoring from other students/tutors at JKU Linz - 100% online & on-demand.


Help others & earn a little extra.

Help others and offer online tutoring for JKU Linz students. Earn easy extra income by using the efficient online tutoring portal by UniTutor, allowing you to focus entirely on the tutoring sessions without having to worry about administrative tasks like clarifying topics, scheduling, or payment processing.
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Get tutoring easily online.

Get 100% online and on-demand tutoring for your current learning challenges from other students and tutors at JKU Linz. Book  specialized 1:1 microsessions, where it's all about your questions for either 30, 60, or 90 minutes - and thanks to the efficient online tutoring portal by UniTutor, it's more cost-effective and convenient than ever.
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Answers to your questions about the ÖH JKU tutoring portal by UniTutor.
What is the ÖH JKU tutoring portal?
The ÖH JKU tutoring portal by HalloSophia is an online marketplace for tutoring by and for students and tutors of JKU Linz. Any student who is particularly knowledgeable in a subject area can create and offer short tutoring services between 30 & 90 minutes, called tutoring packages, themselves via the portal. These tutoring packages can then be booked, prepared, and consumed fully online by other students. 🎓📦

During the booking process, the tutee (the person requesting tutoring) transmits questions, documents, and suggested appointments, and the session is paid for in advance. The money is securely held in an escrow account until the service has been satisfactorily provided. Once the appointment is confirmed by the tutor, both parties meet in the portal's video room (or another video tool or at a location agreed upon via the platform chat).
Who or what is HalloSophia?
HalloSophia is a portal solution for online consulting & mentoring, which is also the basis for UniTutor.org or the tutoring portal of ÖH JKU. HalloSophia, as well as UniTutor, is operated by finothek GmbH, a technology company based in Linz, which also handles the payment processing of fees with SophiaPay. On these platforms, the brand of other companies and organizations is in the focus, while HalloSophia provides and ensures the technological, regulatory, and operational framework in the background. In addition to the tutoring portal of ÖH JKU Linz, HalloSophia operates the globally applicable portal solution for various law & tax firms, consulting companies, governmental institutions, tech companies, and coaching networks on 2 continents so far 🌍💛

More information can be found here.
I would like to offer tutoring. What do I need to do?
Are you particularly knowledgeable in a subject area and able to answer others' questions in a clear and concise manner? Then don't wait any longer and create a profile and tutoring packages by following these steps (Estimated total duration: 15-20 mins):

(1) Create an account & set up your profile
(2) Create tutoring packages
(3) Request profile verification
(4)Help others & earn money 🤝💰

Here you can find a detailed step-by-step guide (German) for the entire registration process and the creation of tutoring packages/services (estimated total duration: 15-20 mins).
I have created a profile and set up services. Why can't I find them?
To ensure your profile and services (=tutoring packages) are discoverable on the portal, you need to be verified. Simply send an email with the subject "Profile Verification ÖH JKU Linz" to experts@hallosophia.com once you have completed the setup.
Who sets the price?
You. You decide how much you want to charge for a 30, 60, or 90-minute tutoring session, including preparation. Please consider that due to the high level of automation and digital processing through the portal, you save a considerable amount of time compared to traditional tutoring, and therefore, you should offer your services at a lower price than usual.
Can I decline, reschedule, or cancel a booking?
Yes, you are of course free to decline bookings before accepting them - for reasons such as lack of time or a mismatch between the student's questions and your expertise.

Already confirmed appointments can also be rescheduled or canceled in emergencies. However, please keep in mind that other people are relying on you and have adjusted their schedules for your support. Therefore, you should avoid rescheduling or canceling already scheduled bookings whenever possible.
Does the session have to take place online?
No, not necessarily. You can also indicate in the description of your tutoring packages that you offer the tutoring session offline. In this case, however, you should coordinate closely with the student via the platform chat to avoid any misunderstandings.
Can I also use other video tools?
Yes, that's possible. You can freely decide for each booking where or with which tool it should take place. This way, you can also conduct the session over a phone call by providing your number.

To change the video tool / provide your phone number, please follow these steps:
1) Log in & click on "Bookings"
2) Select the relevant booking
3) Click on the "Appointments" tab
4) Enter the new video room link / your number on the left side
5) Done! ✅
When will I receive my money? My money is shown as "Pending".
To ensure the money is safe until the session has been satisfactorily delivered, the funds are held in an escrow account and only released and credited to your SophiaPay account as soon as one of the following two conditions is met:

Either: The session took place in the platform's video room + the student rated the session more than 5 out of 10 stars (rating not publicly visible). In this case, the money will appear in your SophiaPay account under "Earned" after a few minutes.

Or: The session did not take place in the platform video room or was not rated. In this case, the money will be automatically released after 7 days and will appear in your SophiaPay account under "Earned".
How do I receive my earned money?
To be able to transfer your earned money to an account of your choice, a quick, one-time Know-Your-Customer (KYC) verification is legally required to prevent money laundering & terrorism financing. Providing your information usually takes about 5-8 minutes. After that, your details will be reviewed within 5 business days and your SophiaPay account will be activated for regular use thereafter. From then on, you can easily and conveniently earn and withdraw money online.

To start the KYC verification, please follow these steps:
(1) Log in & click on "Dashboard"
(2) Click on "Set up SophiaPay"
(3) Answer the questions (5-8 mins)
(4) Done! ✅

If you have any questions, please contact ‍support@hallosophia.com
What do I need to consider for tax purposes when offering tutoring services?
WARNING: The following information does not constitute tax advice and no liability is assumed for its accuracy. To evaluate your exact tax situation, it is best to consult with a tax advisor. Here you can book online tax advice from € 66 excl. VAT if needed.

Guidance for Austria: If you already have another job (university, waiter, etc.), you must declare the income you earn through the tutoring portal in your tax return if your total income exceeds EUR 11,694.00 and you earn more than EUR 730.00 through the tutoring portal. The same applies to other income (rental, self-employment, athletes, etc.).

In general terms: In Austria, tax returns must be filed if the total income exceeds EUR 11,694.00 and more than EUR 730.00 of it comes from activities that are not an employment relationship (worker, employee, etc.). Please note that platforms like the tutoring portal are also legally obliged to report the earnings of providers to the tax office annually.

My KYC verification was successful. What do I need to do now?
Awesome! You can now transfer your earned money to an account of your choice.
What can I do if a tutee doesn't show up for the video call?
It's best to remind them via the platform chat. You can start a chat with a student on the platform by following these steps:
1) Log in & click on "Bookings"
2) Select the relevant booking
3) Click on the "Activity" tab
4) Leave a brief reminder
5) Then: wait & have some tea 🍵

If there's no response after 15 minutes, we recommend you cancel the booking. Since no service was provided in this case, you unfortunately won't receive any money. While this is certainly frustrating, it happens only rarely, as both parties are reminded several times in advance. To cancel your booking, please follow these steps:
1) Log in & click on "Bookings"
2) Select the relevant booking
3) Click on the "Appointments" tab
4) Click on the "Decline/Cancel Request" button
5) Briefly describe why you're cancelling the request so the tutor understands & confirm
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You have some further questions?

Feel free to contact us anytime, we're happy to help.
What is the ÖH JKU tutoring portal?
The ÖH JKU tutoring portal by HalloSophia is an online marketplace for tutoring by and for students and tutors of JKU Linz. Any student who is particularly knowledgeable in a subject area can create and offer short tutoring session, called tutoring packages, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes, through the portal. These tutoring packages can then be booked, prepared, and consumed fully online by other students. 🎓📦

During the booking process, the tutee (the person requesting tutoring) submits questions, documents, and appointment suggestions, and the session is paid for in advance. The amount of money is securely held in an escrow account until the service has been satisfactorily provided. Once the tutor confirms the appointment, both parties meet in the portal's video room (or another video tool or at a location agreed upon through the platform chat).
Who or what is HalloSophia?
HalloSophia is a portal solution for online consulting & mentoring, which is also the basis for UniTutor.org or the tutoring portal of ÖH JKU. HalloSophia, as well as UniTutor, is operated by finothek GmbH, a technology company based in Linz, which also handles the payment processing of fees with SophiaPay. On these platforms, the brand of other companies and organizations is in the focus, while HalloSophia provides and ensures the technological, regulatory, and operational framework in the background. In addition to the tutoring portal of ÖH JKU Linz, HalloSophia operates the globally applicable portal solution for various law & tax firms, consulting companies, governmental institutions, tech companies, and coaching networks on 2 continents so far 🌍💛

More information can be found here.
I would like to receive tutoring. What do I need to do?
1) Visit the ÖH JKU Tutoring Portal

2.a) Share your topic with SophiaAI & receive suitable tutor suggestions

2.b) Click on "Explore" and search the offerings in the traditional way

3.a) Once you've found a suitable tutoring package, click on "Book tutoring package"

3.b) Not sure if a package fits your questions? No problem, ask via chat

4.1) Submit your questions & documents in the first booking step 📎
4.2) Submit 3 proposed dates in the second booking step 📅
4.3) Pay for the session in advance in the third booking step. Your money will be held in escrow 🔒
4.4) Double-check your information and send off the booking 📤

5a) Wait for the appointment confirmation and meet at the agreed time in the video room
Who is allowed to offer tutoring?
There are basically no restrictions on who can offer tutoring on the tutoring portal. Therefore, every student or tutor is free to create a profile and offer tutoring packages. This approach is very similar to traditional tutoring. With escrow accounts for payments and the option to publicly commend particularly good tutors through recommendations, the tutoring portal employs significantly higher quality assurance practices than its traditional counterpart. Besides, before any public listing, the HalloSophia support team checks every person who offers services to ensure compliance with the general code of ethics.
Who sets the price?
The price is set by the tutor - as would be the case with traditional tutoring, for example. However, due to the high level of automation and digital processing through the portal, a significant amount of time is saved compared to traditional tutoring, which usually results in lower prices than usual.
How can I cancel a booking request?
To cancel your booking, please follow these steps:
1) Log in & click on "Bookings"
2) Select the relevant booking
3) Click on the "Appointments" tab
4) Click on the "Cancel/Decline Request" button
5) Briefly describe why you are cancelling the request so the tutor understands & confirm
6) The refund has been initiated - you will receive the amount back within 7 days ✅
What can I do if a tutor does not confirm the appointments?
It's best to remind the tutor via the platform chat. You can start a chat with a tutor on the platform by following these steps:
1) Log in & click on "Bookings"
2) Select the relevant booking
3) Click on the "Activity" tab
4) Leave a brief reminder
5) Then: wait & have some tea 🍵

If this doesn't lead to a resolution, you can also cancel the booking and book a session with someone else. To cancel your booking, please follow these steps:
1) Log in & click on "Bookings"
2) Select the relevant booking
3) Click on the "Appointments" tab
4) Click on the "Cancel/Decline Request" button
5) Briefly describe why you are cancelling the request so the tutor understands & confirm
6) The refund has been initiated - you will receive the amount back within 7 days ✅
How do I get my money back if the request is not confirmed?
If a tutor doesn't confirm your request and you want to get your money back, you just need to cancel your booking.

To cancel your booking, please follow these steps:
1) Log in & click on "Bookings"
2) Select the relevant booking
3) Click on the "Appointments" tab
4) Click on the "Cancel/Decline Request" button
5) Briefly describe why you are cancelling the request so the tutor understands & confirm
6) The refund has been initiated - you will receive the amount back within 7 days ✅
When and how does the tutor receive the payment?
If the tutoring session takes place in the platform's video room, the tutor's account is automatically credited with the payment immediately after the session, provided you rate the session more than 5 out of 10 stars (rating not publicly visible).

If the tutoring session does not take place in the platform's video room, the tutor will automatically receive the payment after a 7-day objection period.
How and for how long can I complain about an unsatisfactory session?
If the tutoring session takes place in the platform's video room, you can file a complaint about an unsatisfactory session by giving it less than 5 out of 10 stars (rating not publicly visible). In this case, the funds are not automatically released, and a mediation process will be initiated. Please also contact  support@hallosophia.com in this case.

If the tutoring session did not take place in the platform's video room, you have up to 5 business days to file a complaint about the tutoring session by sending an email to support@hallosophia.com. Please provide a detailed description of what was unsatisfactory about your session and with whom you had the session (profile link).
What can I do if someone behaves inappropriately on the portal?
If someone behaves inappropriately while using the portal, please report this immediately to support@hallosophia.com

Tutors can also be reported directly through their profile in case of inappropriate behavior.
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You have some further questions?

Feel free to contact us anytime, we're happy to help.